Some awesome fabrication on this custom DMG!
UX Design, UI Design & Front-end Development. Technically a cyborg.
Some awesome fabrication on this custom DMG!
Pokemon PureRed / PureBlue / PureGreen: A purist's enhancement of Pokemon Red/Blue/Green based on the pokered decompilation.
The Cody Computer is an 8-bit home computer intended to be built as a DIY project.
The MarkItDown library is a utility tool for converting various files to Markdown (e.g., for indexing, text analysis, etc.)
WASM-4: Build retro games using WebAssembly for a fantasy console
Reverse engineering the Sega Channel game image file format
Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike...
Can you give me the HTML for an accessible button please?
A collection of Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition romhacks
This project involved analysis and modifications to the Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition ROM. Analysis was done via reverse engineering of the original game from binary. Modifications were done via a series of patches written in assembly language, assembled, then binary-inserted into SF2CE program ROMs.
800% Detail: Tweaking Stunt Island’s 30-year-old 3D Engine
EstyJS is an emulator for the Atari ST, written in 100% pure JavaScript
Worth knowing some of these SNOT techniques for building smaller MOCs!
Amazing to see how far this has come, and it's now available to buy on Steam!