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Max Glenister

This really is a thing of beauty!

Max Glenister

I've still got a couple of unused branded notebooks from conferencing 5 years ago! Saying that, I'm always happy to receive free stationary...

Max Glenister

Some notes/thoughts in response to

Sorting your CSS property declarations is fine, and tools such as StyleLint [1] have plugins [2] to make adhering to this goal a lot easier. If you're already pre-processing (or post-processing) then it should be easy to add StyleLint to your workflow.

In my opinion, Sass mixin includes should come after the other CSS properties in a declaration block. If you're overriding the styles in a mixin, your mixin could probably do with some more parameters, or the use of the content block [3].

Vendor prefixed properties should come before the unprefixed property (-moz-foo, -webkit-foo, foo), grouped together (-moz-foo, -moz-bar, -moz-baz, -webkit-foo, -webkit-bar, -webkit-baz, foo, bar, bar). Keep the prefixed/unprefixed properties together to reduce the cognitive load for whoever comes back to this codebase later. The unprefixed property should always come last because that will be applied if the browser supports it (even if the prefixed syntax was already applied) [4].

Alternatively, you could use Autoprefixer [5] and never have to write out all of the prefixed properties ever again 🤷

Anyway, tooling helps. Modern browsers are smart. You'll rarely hit any of the fun things we used to have to deal with when IE was a dominant browser. You shouldn't need to spend too much time thinking about cosmetic changes to your code. Besides the CSS cascade [6] (declaration order, specificity, etc.) everything else is irrelevant.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Max Glenister

I've been using a couple of these tools for a while now with Windows 10. Great to see such a detailed overview of the whole suite!

PowerToys - 11 awesome features Microsoft won’t add to Windows:

Max Glenister

"Building like it's 1984: Scrollbars in web applications"

Max Glenister

Great use of CSS variables to set inheritable aspect ratio styles!

"Building a combined CSS-aspect-ratio-grid"

Max Glenister

Giving this a go, as I'm already using Hyper-V with some guest OS' on this machine I had to fiddle with the Virtualbox settings to get the installer going, but it seems to be working‼

"Push-button installer of macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra guests in Virtualbox for Windows, Linux, and macOS"

Max Glenister

⌚ Lots of information about 7 segment displays, and some alternative designs

Max Glenister


Q1K3 – An homage to Quake in 13kb of JavaScript

Play it: Making of:

Max Glenister


Max Glenister

📣 I was complaining about not handling DOM Text nodes when using :only-child yesterday, today I've solved the problem with a bit of , some questionable DOM traversial, and a short blog post

Max Glenister

Starting a bunch of these sounds at once beats white noise, hands down!

Max Glenister

Max Glenister

Replied to a post on :

Other social networking options are available!

15-20 years ago I'd have said forums were the best social network, I spent countless hours on forums such as Neowin/Hydrogen Audio sharing and discussing Windows XP customisation, Foobar2000 configs and making a lot of friends off of that niche interest. I still keep in touch with one or two of them today.

Beyond that, Twitter just became another touch point for these early forum connections (and then eventually the predominant touch point). It was always nice to rediscover old acquaintances.

Blog engagement has always been secondary for me, but I guess that's due to using Twitter as the main sharing/discussion point rather than hosting comments.

Offline, local Meetup groups, and then Slack/Discord discussions relating to those groups, have been a great way to grow ones network of friends.

I'm finding that moving to Webmentions/ Indieweb/ Fediverse/ Mastodon and hosting my own social feed as i do on seems to have more of a community buzz.

Max Glenister

I suppose as a Jekyll/Github Pages user I've grown used to the levels of redundancy afforded by using the platform, and it's pretty neat for my development process to be so transparent (if anybody is bothered to look!)

If you're using Github and have a good number of followers, you also get a bit of syndication for free in the form of your commits showing up on your followers' timelines.

The only downside I've found is that I tend to have multiple drafts, on multiple clones of my blog repository across multiple machines, and I tend to lose stuff if I don't finish writing and publish in a timely manner!

Max Glenister

Looking forward to trying this!

It's time to renew

Max Glenister

Excited to see that @LazyDevsAcademy@twitter has started a new series. This time it's to make your own shmup!

Parts 1 and 2:

Max Glenister

It's 2022 and :only-child isn't aware of text nodes?

I'm trying to select an image that is the only direct descender of an element, with no text node siblings, e.g.:

<div><img /></div>


<div>Hello<img />World</div>

div img:only-child will select this img in both cases, as will div img:first-child and div img:last-child

Am I missing something?

Max Glenister

Amazing! 😍🕹

Porting Zelda Classic to the Web

Max Glenister

I've been fiddling with my instance (, and for now I think I'm happy with it and how it integrates with the rest of my site.

Another couple of evening and it'll hopefully match my site design more!

Max Glenister

Welp. Looks like I'm reinstalling macOS tonight! Think I'll roll back to Big Sur!

Welp. Looks like I'm reinstalling macOS tonight! Think I'll roll back to Big Sur!

Max Glenister


Max Glenister

The Demise of the Mildly Dynamic Website

Max Glenister

Sending this reply from a fresh instance of

Max Glenister

Alright, looks as if I've got this Known thing working!