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A photo of Max Glenister

UX Design, UI Design & Front-end Development. Technically a cyborg.

Max Glenister

I make web stuff all day every day. This is refreshing! πŸ‘

Intro to the Web Revival #1: What is the Web Revival?

Max Glenister

πŸ“… Tomorrow it's from 9:30 AM BST

πŸ«‚ Join in from wherever you are! πŸ‘‰

πŸ“’ There might be new periodic Airquotes The Podcast Airquotes recordings:

Max Glenister

πŸ“£ A new blog post: Using a Raspberry Pi to Host a local Visual Studio Code Server

Max Glenister

The forgotten benefits of β€œlow tech” user interfaces

Max Glenister

Man, 90s appliance UIs were a ride!

About the Dual MN 8010, the remarkable retro stereo set you've never heard of, that has a GUI (Graphical User Interface).

Max Glenister

The Nightmare Of Getting DOOM Running On A Serious Business Machine ...

Max Glenister

Max Glenister

Well this DALL-E 2 is insane! Going to have to be even more critical/sceptical when consuming content...

"My deepfake DALL-E 2 vacation photos passed the Turing Test"

Max Glenister

This is a great build log for converting a garage to a habitable workshop space.

Feeling bad that I've not done anything close to this with my garage yet!

Max Glenister

Portal64: A demake of portal for the Nintendo 64

Max Glenister

These are some great a11y tips, and great explanations/examples too!

See also:

Max Glenister

Tomb Raider Reflection Effect: How it works

Max Glenister

I've been using a couple of these tools for a while now with Windows 10. Great to see such a detailed overview of the whole suite!

PowerToys - 11 awesome features Microsoft won’t add to Windows:

Max Glenister

"Building like it's 1984: Scrollbars in web applications"

Max Glenister

Great use of CSS variables to set inheritable aspect ratio styles!

"Building a combined CSS-aspect-ratio-grid"

Max Glenister

Giving this a go, as I'm already using Hyper-V with some guest OS' on this machine I had to fiddle with the Virtualbox settings to get the installer going, but it seems to be workingβ€Ό

"Push-button installer of macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra guests in Virtualbox for Windows, Linux, and macOS"

Max Glenister

⌚ Lots of information about 7 segment displays, and some alternative designs

Max Glenister


Q1K3 – An homage to Quake in 13kb of JavaScript

Play it: Making of:

Max Glenister

Starting a bunch of these sounds at once beats white noise, hands down!

Max Glenister

I suppose as a Jekyll/Github Pages user I've grown used to the levels of redundancy afforded by using the platform, and it's pretty neat for my development process to be so transparent (if anybody is bothered to look!)

If you're using Github and have a good number of followers, you also get a bit of syndication for free in the form of your commits showing up on your followers' timelines.

The only downside I've found is that I tend to have multiple drafts, on multiple clones of my blog repository across multiple machines, and I tend to lose stuff if I don't finish writing and publish in a timely manner!

Max Glenister

Looking forward to trying this!

It's time to renew

Max Glenister

Excited to see that @LazyDevsAcademy@twitter has started a new series. This time it's to make your own shmup!

Parts 1 and 2:

Max Glenister

It's 2022 and :only-child isn't aware of text nodes?

I'm trying to select an image that is the only direct descender of an element, with no text node siblings, e.g.:

<div><img /></div>


<div>Hello<img />World</div>

div img:only-child will select this img in both cases, as will div img:first-child and div img:last-child

Am I missing something?

Max Glenister

Amazing! πŸ˜πŸ•Ή

Porting Zelda Classic to the Web

Max Glenister

I've been fiddling with my instance (, and for now I think I'm happy with it and how it integrates with the rest of my site.

Another couple of evening and it'll hopefully match my site design more!