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A photo of Max Glenister

UX Design, UI Design & Front-end Development. Technically a cyborg.

Max Glenister

Open Source Game Clones

Open-source or source-available remakes of great old games in one place

Max Glenister

Max Glenister

PHONK is a coding playground for new and old Android devices.

Create scripts rapidly from your phone or using the remote Web Editor on your computer using Javascript. The API is simple and extensive. GUI, audio, graphics, Bluetooth BLE, Arduino, OSC, MIDI, and much more.

Max Glenister

Cramming 'Papers, Please' Onto Phones

Max Glenister

Peter Howell of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop demonstrates how he reimagined Ron Grainer's classic Doctor Who theme [using] modern polyphonic analogue synthesisers like the Yamaha CS-80, an ARP Odyssey Mk3 and a Roland Jupiter-4, a vocoder and an old, malfunctioning phase shifter unit he found in the back of the Workshop.

Max Glenister

So, here’s a bit of a mystery: Why does TeamViewer – the popular remote desktop program – install a font it doesn’t use on your computer?

Max Glenister

Where Browsers Come From The economics around browsers, and what we should think about as we move forward.

Max Glenister

One of many default browser styles that I always change!

All browsers add an 8px margin on the body element – it’s part of the w3c-recommended default stylesheet which browsers generally use as a starting point for their own ‘user agent’ styles. But why 8px? Where does that come from?

Max Glenister


MacintoshPi is a small project that allows running full-screen versions of Apple's Mac OS 7, Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 with sound, active Internet connection and modem emulation under Raspberry Pi.

Max Glenister

Defensive CSS Practical CSS and design tips that helps in building future-proof user interfaces.

Max Glenister

A small tool (rsspls) to generate RSS feeds from web pages that lack them. It runs on BSD, Linux, macOS, and more.

Max Glenister

🙈 I do not need more tech. I do not need more tech!

Pocket Reform is a 7 inch mini laptop from MNT Research. We condensed the best features of MNT Reform into a smaller, lighter, and more affordable device while adding some new exciting details.

Max Glenister

What would a Chromium-only Web look like?

Max Glenister

Max Glenister

🥳 though I can't help feeling uncomfortable by how smooth Clarus is.

Did you know that with macOS Ventura, Clarus the Dogcow has at long last returned home?

Max Glenister

Game Design Mimetics (Or, What Happened To Game Design?)

Max Glenister

For my own reference, to find/replace the linked mastodon post for a post on Known in MySQL:

update entities set contents = replace(contents, 'old-post-id', 'new-post-id');

I might want to add the mastodon link to the post edit UI to be a bit more robust...

Max Glenister

Love the pixel art on this. The technical side of things is super interesting too!

Discussion on HN:

Max Glenister

New episodes of Airquotes the Podcast Airquotes from the May 2022 are up!

Max Glenister

Hamburger Footer: Reaching the Bottom of Infinite Scroll

Max Glenister

10 Surprising Things You Didn't Know About HTTP

Max Glenister

More than you ever wanted to know about font loading on the web

Max Glenister

How classic Sierra game graphics worked (and an attempt to upscale them)

Max Glenister

Max Glenister

I love everything about this. 😍

Electronic Catan LCD Tiles: A collection of hexagon tiles that magnetically snap together to create a Settlers of Catan board of any shape or size. Each tile features a large round LCD and a custom magnetic pogo connector on each edge. Linking up a bunch of tiles creates a position-aware partial mesh network.